Sunday, February 6, 2011

Team Chelsey 2011

Hello Dear Family and Friends,

Happy 2011 to each of you! I trust that you all have had an enjoyable holiday season and are settling into this new year of 2011. Once again, in my own "settling" into this new year, I have been reminiscing about this previous year's celebrations, holidays, birthdays, losses, successes, accomplishments, etc....more specifically "Team Chelsey 2010."

So, here in 2011 a new "story" begins and one that will include the new chapter of "Team Chelsey 2011." That being is time to put out the word and call for "Team Chelsey" for the 2011 Little Rock Marathon this year. Once again, I am humbled by so many of your (already) expressed interest. The Little Rock Marathon is approximately now 4 weeks away (March 5-6), and we are looking forward to your participation in what many of you who have previously participated would say is a fun event.

Whether you have already been training for the full or half marathon, a relay team, or are planning to run/walk the 5K (on Saturday again this year), or maybe prefer just being a virtual runner, there is a place for each of you, and we would LOVE for you to join in the fun of Team Chelsey. In sharing the gift of Chelsey’s spirit and the warmth of her memory, Team Chelsey and your friendship adds to "our story" each year--what a blessing we, her family, have in each of you.

There has been some interest expressed to me from a few of you about relay teams. So, in efforts to possibly coordinate such for those who want to run a relay but don't know who to put together on a team, let me know (ASAP) as we might be able to piece together 1 or 2 teams. Remember, the relay portion of the race for each member is anywhere between 5 and 7.8 mile run. Not so bad....right?

T-shirt and "post race" celebration have been some of the fun parts of this event (well, for me anyway...); however, we are looking to change things up a bit this year. Of course, there will still be a t-shirt but with a new color scheme and design. (Hopefully, I will be able to share this by the end of the month or early next month). We all know and remember that Chelsey was often the "life of the party," and she didn't do anything without making a good time of it. So a "celebration" of sorts is a must, but rather than a "post race" celebration, we will plan for a "pre-race pasta party." More details on this to follow as the date nears.

If you are interested in being a part of Team Chelsey, please let me (us) know. We certainly look forward to hearing from you. Again, we send our most sincere and humble thanks to each of you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

3 Years Later: Still Remembering.....

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven. Three years ago today, God created a time for Chelsey's physical, earthly life to end and her Heavenly life with Him to begin.

It is in the past 3 years that time has passed and changes have occurred. But…not even the passing of time heals or fills the emptiness, the hole, that is created in our hearts and our souls…..a part of us remains gone, and life as we once knew it is forever changed and never the same……

Although our lives are forever changed, our (my) hearts continue to be filled with the hope and peace that some day in the twinkling of God's eye, I will experience a great togetherness again with Chelsey in Heaven…. there is a season and time for everything and a purpose for that. Until then, Chelsey's never ending spirit remains alive here in this physical world as my forever sister, a mother's forever daughter, and your forever friend. In our hearts her memory continues to be kept forever without end….

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank You, Team Chelsey 2010!

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us;
what we have done for others and the world
remains and is immortal."

--Albert Pike

What each of you have "done" just by being a member or supporter of Team Chelsey is immeasurable. The kindness and unselfish love you have shown by continuing to celebrate the memory of Chelsey's spirit "remains" in our (her family's) hearts and minds forever. Daily, we are blessed by your love, support, encouragement, and prayers. Words will never adequately express such gratitude that we feel. Another year has gone by and through your generosity we continue to share the gift of Chelsey's spirit and the memory of her love. Thank you......

Once again, we are already looking forward to and making plans for Team Chelsey 2011. We are excited about possibly a "new look" and some fun "new plans." So....get your running shoes ready! With that....a final thought that Chelsey would want each of you to remember:

"The true testament of a life well lived
is the love we leave behind....."

Team Chelsey 2010 Photos

Please use cursor to navigate album, or click on album to view larger pictures and choose "view as slide show."

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's 2010 T-Shirt Time!

The plans for Team Chelsey 2010 t-shirt have been finalized! The t-shirt is the same design (maybe next year we need to have a contest for a new design), but this year it is bright orange with another new quote for the back:

"The true testament of a life well lived is the love we leave behind."

We are ordering short sleeve shirts again this year (we were thankful for that last year with the warm weather). Once again there is a choice between a regular cotton shirt or a dri-fit running shirt. Price is the same as last year (see below). We are needing to get shirts ordered ASAP, so that they will be in Little Rock in time for the race! Some of you have already expressed interest in wanting to order a t-shirt whether you are running or not running the race.

So....let me hear from you ASAP (by the close of buisness Friday, 2/26/10) if you are wanting to order a t-shirt. Please send me an email or comment to this post with the following info:

1. Do you want a short sleeve regular cotton t-shirt ($11.00) OR a short sleeve dri-fit running shirt ($15.00)?

2. What size shirt would you like?

If you are not here in LR and are not running the race, but would still like a shirt I will be glad to mail those to you. I will provide more info later for those of you running the race and t-shirt pick up/availability.

Thanks again. We appreciate all of your love and support and are looking forward to another fun race and after party!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Team Chelsey 2010

Happy 2010 to each of you! I trust that you all have had a very blessed and happy holiday season and are settling into another year. For me, a new year always brings reflection of the previous year's celebrations, holidays, birthdays, losses, successes, accomplishments, and times of just "plain fun"......and one of those being "Team Chelsey 2009." we have entered another year, there begins a new "story" and one that will include the new chapter of "Team Chelsey 2010." That being is time to put out the call for "Team Chelsey" for the Little Rock Marathon this year. Once again, I am humbled by so many of your (already) expressed interest.The Little Rock Marathon is approximately 7 weeks away (March 6-7), and we would like to get a group of you together again this year for Team Chelsey 2010.

Whether you have already been training for the full or half marathon, a relay team, or are planning to run/walk the 5K (this year is on Saturday), or maybe prefer just being a virtual runner, there is a place for each of you, and we would LOVE for you to join in the fun of Team Chelsey. In sharing the gift of Chelsey’s spirit and the warmth of her memory, Team Chelsey and your friendship adds to "our story" each year--what a blessing we, her family, have in each of you.

There has been an increased interest from a few of you about getting some relay teams together. So, in efforts to possibly coordinate such for those who want to run a relay but don't know who to put together on a team, let me know (ASAP)as we might be able to piece together 2 or 3 teams which would be FABULOUS. Remember, the relay portion of the race for each member is anywhere between 5 and 7.8 mile run. Not so bad....right? I would like to run a relay this year as well, as a broken arm has put a bit of a cramp in my style and slowed my training for the half marathon. Again, we are looking for "takers" for some relays.

Of course, there will be a t-shirt again this year, and the most important part, a “post-race” celebration. (As I say every year and will say again....Chelsey never went anywhere or did anything without a party!) If you are interested in being a part of Team Chelsey, please let me (us) know. We certainly look forward to hearing from you. Again, we send our most sincere and humble thanks to each of you.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Two years later, on a day that was once an “ordinary day” but now forever “different” and “changed”…..our hearts continue to be stirring with a sense of loss….a sense of sadness….but, also a sense of gratitude for the Life of Chelsey, the joy she brought all us and the love she so generously gave. So, still… Chelsey’s memory remains a blessed presence within all of us. She taught us how to love, laugh, cry, serve and fully participate in life…….

The Top Ten Things My Sister Taught Me
10. Make sure you always have a roll of quarters stashed in your car. You never know when life will place you on a toll road.

9. Be loud, have fun, laugh uncontrollably, and dress boldly with big sunglasses.

8. Be family, friends, and even strangers on the street. It comes back to you 10 fold.

7. Pray...wherever you are…inside your car, outside a church, on a park bench in the wind.......

6. Life is not fair, but it is a gift.

5. Forgive EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. No matter what!

4. Life changes in the blink of an eye. But…..God does not blink.

3. Make every moment does not matter how long you are on this earth, it is what you do with the time you are here.

2. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

1. Nothing ever replaces or changes the love between two sisters…not absence, not loss, not distance, not time....nothing......