Sunday, February 8, 2009

Call For Team Chelsey 2009

As I finished putting away the last of my Christmas decorations just a week ago, Feb 1st (yes, really it has taken that long), I was reflecting on the past year and reminded that another entire year has gone....another year of holidays, birthdays, celebrations, losses, successes, and almost 15 months since Chelsey’s passing.

We (Chelsey’s family) continue to find ourselves blessed by your kind thoughts, words and prayers. Those things along with your love and support continue to give us strength as we face each day and move forward. we have entered another year with a new journey, it is time to put out a call for “Team Chelsey 2009.” Many of you have already asked if there would be a Team Chelsey for the Little Rock Marathon again this year. I am humbled by so many of your (already) expressed interest, and I must apologize for my delay in posting information to the blog spot. The Little Rock Marathon is approximately 5 weeks away, but we still would like to get a group of you together again this year for Team Chelsey. Whether you have already been training for the full or half marathon, a relay team, or are planning to run/walk the 5K, or maybe prefer just being a virtual runner, there is a place for each of you, and we would LOVE for you to join in the fun of Team Chelsey. We hope to continue to share the gift of Chelsey’s spirit and the warmth of her memory. Team Chelsey was an instrument to do just that last year, and now, we plan to carry on the tradition again this year.

Last year, so many of you generously contributed monies for a scholarship fund; therefore, we wanted to update you on the progress of the establishment of this scholarship fund. With much thought and time, we have been working with the University of Arkansas to establish an endowment in Chelsey’s name. With the establishment of this endowment (which is still in progress, not yet complete….but soon, hopefully!), a scholarship will be made available to a U of A student on an annual basis. This endowment will allow for the scholarship to be available for “life.” It will also allow for continued contribution. We believe an endowment with the U of A will be the best way to continue to share Chelsey’s love and encourage her “spirit of living.”

One last word…..there will be a t-shirt again this year, and of course, a “post-race” celebration. (Chelsey never went anywhere or did anything without a party!) If you are interested in being a part of Team Chelsey, please let me (us) know. We certainly look forward to hearing from you. Again, we send our most sincere and humble thanks to each of you.

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